1·It even offered a video clip of these flying penguins, which became one of the most viewed videos on the Internet.
2·The introduction is followed by a video clip of how the passage was treated by a famous pianist using historic film footage.
3·Participants imagined being one out of three people in a video clip who had either a fluent conversation or a conversation in which flow was disrupted by a brief silence.
4·The father of four posted video clip of his playful venture on Facebook, advising parents to do fun and creative stuff with their kids.
这位有四个孩子的父亲在 Facebook 上发布了一段好玩的冒险视频,建议父母们和孩子们一起做一些有趣而有创意的事情。
5·Generates a video clip with a short version and copyright statement.
6·The content can be a photo, an article, or an audio or video clip, for example.
这些内容可以是一张照片,一篇文章,一段音频或者视频短片等等。 你可以使用标签来提高相关内容在网上的被访问量。
7·Mr Chetana showed the audience a short video clip entitled "I'm sorry Thailand".
8·See this Demo page for a video clip of the client functionality we're developing.
9·This next video clip, you're going to see how we stimulated the bioluminescence.
10·Castro stood, appeared alert and was shown drinking juice in the 10-minute video clip.